Dr. Koneru’s IMBI Presentation


CFD athletes, friends and family are all invited to come out on November 27th for Dr. Koneru’s Presentation at 7:00pm!  We are very excited to host this and are honored to be a part of this awesome project right here in Dubuque.  Please feel free to bring family or friends–really anyone who may find the information useful.

If you have never heard of the Iowa Mind Body Institute, it’s a progressive approach to educate people on what exactly constitutes a healthy lifestyle.  Here is an brief article written by Dr. Koneru:  http://www.juliensjournal.com/ArticleDetailsPage/tabid/74/ArticleID/127/A-Paradigm-Shift-in-Cancer-Care-The-Iowa-Mind-Body-Institute.aspx

…and here is a short video of Dr. Koneru describing the IMBI: http://www.thonline.com/news/tri-state/video_8eb2e740-2461-11e2-a014-0019bb30f31a.html

You are all strongly encouraged to attend!  It is an outstanding presentation full of great, relevant information.  Mark your calendars and do not miss this opportunity!