July Spotlight – Morgan


How long have you been a member of CFD?

I have been a member at CFD for close to 2 years now, but I have been doing CrossFit for 3.   

What did you do for fitness prior to joining CFD?

Everything honestly! Running, weightlifting, kickboxing, yoga, etc. I’ve tried it all! 

What changes have you seen in yourself since you started? 

The more obvious things like strength and endurance, but I think mentally I’m a lot stronger and positive as a person as well. I think I’m more confident and comfortable with who I am as a person than I ever have been and I attribute that to CrossFit. I focus more now on being proud of what my body can do, versus always being mad at what it can’t. 

What do you like most about CrossFit? 

First, the community. Whether it was my box I started at in Washington State or CFD, it is such a welcoming community and you always feel at home. The people truly make CrossFit what it is. Second, CrossFit shows me every time I think I cannot do something, that I in fact can. That has translated so much to every part of my life.  

What type(s) of workouts are your favorite?

Anything with push-ups, pull-ups, power cleans, and anything overhead with the barbell. 

What type(s) of workouts do you least like to see come up?

Anything with front squats or squat cleans. They are just a struggle for me, but I still come in on those days to get better. I’m hoping if I keep working on them one day they won’t be my kryptonite.  

What is your go-to junk food?

French Fries. There are so many different types…..waffle, curly, truffle, sweet potato, etc. Plus so many great things you can put on them or dip them in! They’re so versatile!  

What advice do you have for someone just starting out at CFD?

The hardest part is getting started, but just do it! The community and the workouts will keep you coming back every week. Do not compare yourself and progress to others at the box. We are all in our own race. Just come in with the mindset every day that you are just here to be better than the person you were yesterday.

Interested to see if CFD is a good fit for you? Sign up for a free introductory class, or e-mail us if the available intro classes don’t work with your schedule!