New Strength-Gain challenge starts in April!


A new Strength-Gain Challenge starts in April!


If you are interested, testing will begin next week to find starting numbers during regular classes.  It is imperative that you get the work in and log some numbers so you have some data to use in the weeks to come!  Each athlete is responsible for keeping track of your numbers, though I will be recording the numbers as well to use in guiding our collective program design.


I will be writing another line of programming that can be implemented either in place of the Workout Of the Day, or in conjunction with it (as AM and PM sessions, not back-to-back).  If you are interested in getting on board with it, please keep in mind that the extra sessions will count towards your monthly attendance, so if you are a 3x/week person who wants to do the extra programming, get on an unlimited package so you don’t burn up all your sessions right away!  The movements involved will be the power lifts (i.e.:  squats, bends, presses and pulls), as opposed to the olympic lifts (clean, jerk, snatch).


I’m excited to get on with some REAL training post-Open, and see how much progress we can make in the remainder of the year!


Keep making me proud, CFD!

RLTW <1>

–Coach Phil