Wellness Wednesday–Chicken Crockpot Recipe


Check out this recipe that I use to prep my meals for lunch!  Inspired by my brother Paul, this is a simple chicken disk that you can either throw in the oven or put in a crock pot and it turns out awesome every time!

1 package of frozen chicken breasts or thighs (I prefer thighs)

Taco seasoning to taste (I just lightly cover the top of the chicken)

Salsa to taste (again, just toss it on top).  You can even add in some cayenne or some hot sauce if you want to spice it up a bit more

That’s it!  You either put it in your crock pot for about 4-6 hours or else set your oven for 350 degrees for about 2 hours or so.  If I’m putting it in the oven, I set my kitchen timer to count down from 99 minutes, then when that goes off, I start my rice cooker.  When my rice is done, so is my chicken–portion to the needs of the individual and put away!

This is a really great way to prep lunches for a few days for very little cost.  No need to thaw, there’s almost zero prep, and it takes very little time out of your day.  There’s really no excuse to NOT plan ahead with your meals, and this is a pretty foolproof way to make that happen…enjoy!

–Coach Phil