WODhopper features


Hey CFD!


I wanted to update you all on the features you may not know about available to you all.


The crew at WODhopper does such a great job of listening to feedback from the community and implementing updates to the system.  You may now know about all the features that are at your fingertips on the very system you use to RSVP to class every day, so I encourage you to play around with the menu and see what else is available to you!


Now that it requires a log-in (that it remembers, so you don’t have to re-enter everything), you have access to a profile that is available only to you and the coaches here at CFD.  As much as we try to plug in numbers every day, sometimes things get missed or details get overlooked, so I encourage you all to plug in your numbers as you go!  You have the ability to input scores, annotate if it’s a PR, and even add notes to it, so you can have some things to keep in mind next time that particular benchmark comes up (for example, you hit a new number on your back squat, but you could annotate in your notes that you overshot your number, failed a lift, and then dropped back down and hit a lower number.  Maybe next time, I’ll be more careful on how I build to this number and try to get even more!).


Also, the workout is exclusively posted on WODhopper now.  No more going to the WOD tab on the website to see the workout!  Currently the day’s workout isn’t available to view until that day (as soon as it turns midnight).  However, I requested that we be able to release the next day’s workout at 7pm the evening before, and WODhopper is prioritizing that for the next update.  For the time being, we’ll have to be patient to view the workout the day of.


Let me know if you need assistance with the system, but most can be figured out by just playing around with it!


Keep up the great work guys!  There’s already been some big numbers put up this morning!


—Coach Phil