

Happy Valentines Day

This is a couples wod. Decide among you who is doing the chasing and who is being chased. The chaser will put their dates weight on a bar. The partner being chased will run away. This will be accomplished by doing a bar facing burpee over your partners bar. Simulating picking up your date, the chaser will do a clean and jerk with the bar.

The wod will go like this:

25 minute AMRAP

– 1 clean and jerk

– 1 bar facing burpee

– 2 clean and jerks

– 2 bar facing burpees

– 3 clean and jerks, so forth and so on until the time runs out.

Because life is unexpected and unfair, the coach may choose to flip flop the roles. Weight will be adjusted as needed. The important thing is to keep moving!