Community blog


One week out from the Open—who’s ready?  If you haven’t registered yet, please do so and make sure to join the CFD team….ALL athletes at CFD are welcome and encouraged to join the ranks!  It’s a great way to measure up your fitness with the world.  Use it as a metric that can be re-tested over time: whether you think it’s worth being ‘competitive’ or not, it’s so useful to have ‘tests’ that can be re-taken in the future to measure progress.  I encourage all of you to apply yourself 100% during this period, if only to have a legitimate test with no excuses as to why it isn’t an accurate measurement.  Whether you register or not, it’ll be in the program, so best of luck to all of you and let’s see what we’re made of!


On another note—who’s in for a little St. Patty’s Day celebration?  Clear your calendars on March 14—festivities will begin in the afternoon and last until….well…who knows?  More details can be found here on the FB event page, and I’m sure I’ll update as I figure more out!


Lastly, there is definitely something that deserves mentioning—I can’t believe the progress made in only the first 6 weeks of this year already!  It’s hard to even get specific with it, but the transformations occurring are simply awe-inspiring.  People PRing lifts, getting new movements (double-unders, Muscle-ups, pull-ups), transforming their bodies, and building confidence….it makes me grateful to be a part of such a great, accomplished, hard-working community of athletes.  Many of us have differing goals, backgrounds, training ages, shapes, sizes, and personalities, but the fact that we have such a powerful glue that holds us all together and gives us all purpose—the pursuit of improving our fitness—makes CFD the unique place that it is.  Thanks to ALL of you for being who you are and playing your part in the community!


Let’s keep this momentum up!


RLTW <1>


—Coach Phil