Upcoming Events


Good morning, CFD!  I have some upcoming events and announcements to make:




Foundations classes start tonight at 6:30pm, and we have a big group coming in this month.  Make sure they feel welcome!


Holiday Schedule


Due to the upcoming holiday (Labor Day), all classes on Monday will be cancelled save the 9:30am class.  If you are doing a program outside of the normal class, please come at a different time (I will be there from about 10:30am until noon or so if I’m needed outside of class).  We’ll have something fun planned for you all that day!


Strength Cycle


If you happened to have read my previous blog posts (Part 1 and Part 2) and have would like to pursue a program that is suited towards specifically increasing your absolute strength lifts, you’re in luck!  If you haven’t already noticed, all week this week we are testing some maxes on squatting, bending, pulling, and pushing.  We will be using those numbers to run up to 12 weeks of strength work!  I’ll be posting more information on that shortly for those of you who are interested.  This is open to all unlimited members, and the closed Facebook page with more information as well as the program can be found here.  Remember, this is not available to the public, but implemented as value-added to your membership with us here at CFD!


Nutrition Classes


Starting in September we are going to offer an Eating Meeting on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30. Our idea is that this will be continuing education/support group on how to EAT! You will learn how much you should be eating based on activity and goals, what kinds of food and when as well as how to implement your plan and stick with it. The goal is to take the mystery out of food and fueling and give you the tools to succeed LONG TERM rather than a quick fix. This class is already added to the RSVP system. Please sign up for this so we know how many to expect. Also, bring something to take a few notes on. It’s helpful for referencing your numbers and remembering your plan. The more the merrier here so don’t be afraid of big groups.


September is gearing up to be an exciting month, and I’m happy to spend it with my CFD family!

RLTW <1>

–Coach Phil