20.1 In the Books!


Initial scoring is in for 20.1, and it looks like Team Turf is off to a good start with a 6-point lead over Team Rubber, 36-30! *Updated 0900 16OCT

Here’s the attendance record for each team. Scores are pulled from the scoreboard in WODhopper – let me know ASAP if you find an error!

Prediction Points

Team Rubber’s prediction for 20.1 was a 10 min AMRAP of 30 double-unders and 10 snatches. This earned them 3 points for correctly guessing the number of movements and 1 point for correctly guessing that snatches would be a movement.

Team Turf’s prediction for 20.1 was an 8 min AMRAP of 15 snatches and 15 burpees, earning them 3 points for correctly guessing the number of movements and 2 points for correctly guessing that snatches AND burpees would be involved.

Here’s the Link To the Scoring Spreadsheet!

What’s new for 20.2?

Along with everything scored in 20.1, 20.2 offers the following additional opportunities to score points:

  • TWO points per attendance instead of 20.1’s ONE point.
  • Check-in Points! Here’s how they work:
    • Checking in on Facebook at CrossFit Dubuque gets you yet ANOTHER point for your team – it’s that simple!

That’s it for now, I’ll post an update to the scoring on Wednesday if there are any changes. In the meantime, get ready for 20.2!

Not a member? Sign up today!  The next Intro class takes place on October 19th at 10:00. RSVP to the free Intro Class or e-mail us today to set up an appointment!