Athletes of the Month – August

Spencer=S, Chance=C, Ashley=A
How long have you been a member at CFD?
S: Started in October of 2020, so coming up on a year
A: I started in May 2021, so about 3 months in.
C: 8 Months!
What made you want to get started?
S: I needed to do something different and it needed to have more commitment than just going to the gym. After doing some research, discovered that CrossFit had that competitive attachment to it that had been lacking since I graduated college. I also spoke to a few different people that said they enjoyed the experience in the past and said that the training would be there in the group setting that I also desired.
A: My husband, Spencer and brother-in-law, Chance would talk about the workouts and how sore they always were so I figured I would try it out to make sure they weren’t just being pansies. Kidding, they actually encouraged me to try it because they both really enjoy CrossFit and the environment.
C: My Brother Spencer started, and I needed to get off my a** and start working out again as I had stopped after I graduated from College.
What is your favorite gym music?
C: Anything upbeat that gives me some energy to lift. So sorry Coach Eric, just about anything other than what you play.
What did you do for fitness prior to joining CFD?
A: Nothing outside of walking and jogging.
C: When I was in college, I would lift a few times a week, but after I moved to Dubuque I didn’t do anything, and needed to get back in the Gym.
What is your go-to PR food?
C: If I go in at 5AM for class I typically won’t eat as I wake up 10 minutes before class. BUT, if I hit an after session, I would say a chicken salad so I don’t feel too full when I start!
What changes have you seen in yourself since you started?
S: Generally day to day weight lifting improvements. Between reps and form getting better, the jumps in 8 months of doing things have me excited for things to come. I can tell there have been changes in my shoulders and back as well, but the way I feel has been the major tell. I don’t make as many dad grunt sounds as I did when I first started.
A: Strength and flexibility improvements in general – I am no longer lifting just the bar!
C: I have gotten much stronger, and much more flexible. I lot of the overhead lifts felt impossible when I began and have gotten much more acheivable.
What do you like most about CrossFit?
S: The way it makes me feel through the rest of the day, no matter how the rest of the day goes I have done something positive at 5 am.
A: The atmosphere.
C: I have gotten much stronger, and much more flexible. I lot of the overhead lifts felt impossible when I began and have gotten much more achievable.
What type(s) of workouts are your favorite?
S: Hang and Power Cleans- They just seem to be more fun.
A: My husband will cringe when he reads this because we are opposites, but I don’t mind anytime there is some running involved.
C: I love squats, it is one of my best lifts, so I enjoy being able to push myself on those to keep adding weight!
What is the funniest thing you remember happening at CFD?
S: Chase wore a cut off shirt sometime last spring, and Mike went to his office and changed into a cut off shirt and followed him around for a bit claiming they were twinning.
C: Not one specific thing, but having Chase in class everyday at 5 AM makes for an interesting morning more often than not.
What type(s) of workouts do you least like to see come up?
S: Burpees are the worst movement ever, I hate them with a passion. I am terrible at pull-ups so those are up there as well.
A: Anything with burpees.
C: Put a bar over my head, and I am internally complaining.
Have you ever chalked up to do something that didn’t require chalk?
C: No, but I tried chalk ONCE and i hated it, felt like nails on a chalkboard to me.
What is your go-to junk food?
C: Cold Stone ice cream. Monster cookie.
Have you ever been really dramatic when completing a movement only to then see someone next to you do what you did silently and with ease?
S: I work out next to Arthur in the 5am; essentially I do my weight and feel good about it, and he does 50% more and probably weighs 100 lbs less.
C: Always, especially when they are doing twice as much weight, twice as easily.
What are your goals going forward?
S: Short term would be 15 unbroken (without coming off the bar for those unfamiliar) pull-ups, and keep working on becoming a stronger healthier version of myself.
A: To complete 16 unbroken pull-ups.
C: Getting back to class consistently. Traveling for work has taken me out some weeks, but not wanting to get up at the 4:30 AM alarm has not helped. Simply need to get back to class more often to start increasing PRs and continuing to improve.
Have you ever won the warmup?
A: This is a funny question because the only advice Spencer and Chance gave me when I started was “don’t try and win the warmup!”
C: Can’t say I have ever “Won” but when the workout has me sweating like we have been through the first portion of the workout already, I love it.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out at CFD? I was intimidated walking in.
S: You don’t need to be, everyone is very helpful and respectful of your own ability. Everyone else in class with support you and push you. After attending a few classes, you start to learn the lingo and you will be on your way.
A: Ask questions! Even though CrossFit is a group class, the coaches will always take the time to help you one on one. When coaches have confidence in your ability they will always push you to reach your max potential, but there is no pressure to keep up with anyone.
C: Stick with it, even just three months isn’t enough, thats when you truly start to “get the hang of it” and lifts, form, etc. starts to feel right. As well, go consistently, the workouts will always be difficult, but they are much easier if you are there multiple days a week!
Interested to see if CFD is a good fit for you? Sign up for a free introductory class, or e-mail us if the available intro classes don’t work with your schedule!