February Spotlight – Sean and Kara

How long have you been a member at CFD?
We both have been members since June of 2020.
What made you want to get started?
Sean: I remember watching a CrossFit movie and thought it was really cool. I finally got the chance after college to join and did with the help of my girlfriend, Kara.
Kara: I wanted a way to stay fit after college athletics were over. My two older sisters loved CFD during their time in college so it seemed silly not to join.
What is your favorite type of gym music?
Sean: Sometimes Mike’s screamo but other than that usually rap.
Kara: Mainly rap or anything that was made after the 2000s…
What did you do for fitness prior to joining CFD?
Sean: I played football at the University of Dubuque.
Kara: I played volleyball at the University of Dubuque.
What do you like most about CrossFit?
Sean: I know I will break a good sweat every workout which I love.
Kara: I like how I leave the gym every day knowing that I am getting stronger and better. I also like how it pushes me both physically and mentally.
What types of workouts are your favorite?
Sean: Rowing, walls balls, back squat, some overhead stuff.
Kara: Anything with wall balls, cleans, and occasionally burpees.
What is your go-to junk food?
Sean: Love me a good pizza I’d say
Kara: Anything chocolate
What advice do you have for someone just starting out at CFD?
Sean: Go in with an open mind and know it will be hard at first but you will progress with time.
Kara: Stay committed and ask questions! The coaches are amazing and always there to correct and help you. Also, don’t forget that everyone has to start somewhere so don’t feel intimidated. I am one of the younger athletes in the gym and I still get my butt kicked almost every day.
Interested to see if CFD is a good fit for you? Sign up for a free introductory class, or e-mail us if the available intro classes don’t work with your schedule!