Goals Board Blog


Oh hey there. It’s me. The Goals Board here at CFD. Didn’t realize I was still here? Well I am!!

For those of you who have written on me, how are you doing? Have you reached your goal? Have you completely forgotten about it?!

You know the purpose of having me is to build toward something, right? To hold yourself accountable. To make you better. To realize your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.

It takes work.

It takes more then just saying it or writing it down. It takes planning, practice, a little honesty, and a lot of determination.

If you’ve already met your goal, that’s awesome! Congrats! Now set a new one! If you haven’t met your goal, don’t be discouraged. It can be frustrating to learn and master the techniques of certain movements (Not that I know that exactly, since I’m a white board). But keep with it! Set a new date and stick to your plan of attack. If you are patient and determined enough, it’ll happen for you.

For those of you who haven’t written on me….what are you waiting for??

Pick a goal, when you want to accomplish it by, and what you plan to do to make it happen. What’s the worst thing that could happen? It’ll force you to work on the things you suck at, and in the end, you’ll only be kicking more ass than you already do (or you’ll have a fictitious ‘white board’ call you out).  Either way. CFD Rules!

-Goals Board