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Athletes of the Month - August
June Spotlight – Austin

How long have you been a member at CFD?
9 months
What made you want to get started?
As my life got busy and I took on more responsibility, the easiest thing to cut out of my schedule was working out. It took the Covid Quarantine for me to realize how out of shape I had gotten. I also had a lot more free time, so I decided to put that time toward something productive.
What did you do for fitness prior to joining CFD?
This has been quite the journey. I grew up on a farm and was always active and working outside. Then I got heavily involved in wrestling as I got older. I didn’t realize I needed to dedicate time to fitness until college. In college, I grouped up with some other “retired” athletes to work out. That’s when I was introduced to some Olympic lifts, HSPUs, and I learned how to kip pull-ups. That being said, keg stand holds and 12 oz curls were the preferred movements back then. After college I mostly worked out by myself and results gradually declined.
What changes have you seen in yourself since you started?
I’ve seen a lot of physical changes. I keep hitting new PRs with my lifts, my times are getting faster, I can do movements I’ve never been able to do before.
I’d say the mental changes have been even greater. I don’t get stressed out as easily. I’m more optimistic. My whole day goes better after a good workout.
What do you like most about CrossFit?
The structure and the people. I’ve always had gym memberships in the past, but working out by myself without a plan didn’t work for me.
What type(s) of workouts do you least like to see come up?
What type(s) of workouts are your favorite?
Anything that works the chest, back, and arms. Heavy weight, low reps (see least favorite movement above).
What is the funniest thing you remember happening at CFD?
Mike’s impression of Eli trying to fix his excel sheet was pretty good.
Have you ever been really dramatic when completing a movement only to then see someone next to you do what you did silently and with ease?
Every morning at 5:00 A.M. usually during the warm-up.
What are your goals going forward?
There are a few movements I can’t do yet. I’d like to get strict muscle-ups and walk on my hands. Then maybe compete in a team competition someday.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out at CFD?
Buy yourself a foam roller, some ibuprofen, and scale everything. But seriously, just keep going. Focus on doing the movements correctly and the results will follow.
Interested to see if CFD is a good fit for you? Sign up for a free introductory class, or e-mail us if the available intro classes don’t work with your schedule!