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Athletes of the Month - August
March Spotlight – Tammy T

Hi I am Tammy, otherwise known as well….Tam. I am definitely a combination of every character in The Breakfast Club, I am a damn shit show! When I received the email from Coach Phil that they wanted to spotlight me, ironically I was pounding down a Bloody Mary with a cheese stick, true midwest style.
For a woman of somewhat low self esteem, i feel a strength of mine is being all in to constructive criticism. Open ears, Open Mind. And showing up with whom i consider elite athletes makes me smile in itself. Some mornings I leave feeling like Xena Warrior Princess, other days i leave feeling like Chris Farley as a Chippendale, that’s what keeps us showing up right? The good with the bad. The Swayzes vs. The Farleys .
Coach Tam Tam would call me crazy, yet give me props for never being one to look at the workout ahead of time, its funny to me that people think i’m the crazy one, how am i crazy? You guys see a workout that says Death by Burpees or run 800 meters 6 times etc. and you guys show up. You my friends are the crazy ones!
What made you want to get started?
Stop hiding in the f****** corner, that is what I heard and that is what stuck with me. It came across in a Richard Vernon voice from The Breakfast Club, but in all actuality it was Coach Mike.
Have you ever hidden junk food in your cart for fear that another CFD member might see it?
No i don’t hide any goods in my grocery cart, shit I got nothing to hide, look at me i’m a girl in progress haha.
What type(s) of workouts do you least like to see come up?
My NEMESIS is definitely the rig! I can’t get my old large ass up to do a pull-up or toes to bar, I’m not leaving like Xena Warrior Princess on those days. But give me some hang cleans and push presses and you’d better open up the garage door for my head to fit through. hahaha not really, but whatever.
What is your favorite gym music?
You can say the word eclectic for my music choices, throw on some “How can we be lovers if we can’t be friends.” by Michael Bolton, with a little “You Cry like a Bitch.” Godsmack with a little Lil Troy and Tyler Childers and we have ourselves a mix!
What advice do you have for someone just starting out at CFD?
To anyone considering joining CFD my only advice is be YOU : The Athlete, The Brain, The Basketcase, The Princess, The Criminal. Andrew Clark, the athlete, said ” We are all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, thats all.”Cue the music…….Don’t you forget about me!
-The shitshow Tams xoxo
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