19.5 In the Books


The 2019 CF Opens are finally at an end, and what an awesome 5 weeks it’s been. On behalf of the entire coaching staff and the community as a whole, it’s safe to say that the involvement, excitement, and overall level of fun each and every week have far exceeded my expectations! We had such a great time seeing the rivalry develop and the incredible outpouring from everyone, and I want to thank each and every one of you for being so involved this year. Without your support and participation, none of this would have happened, and I’m incredibly grateful for how much fun this was to put on and run!

I feel like this is an episode of ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’ where the scoring really doesn’t matter and the process is what makes it so great. For what it’s worth, Team Rubber beat out Team Turf 212 – 189 (you can check the leaderboard here for specifics). Congrats to the winners!

For the record, my intention was to give the Team Spirit award to the team with the most overall participation points, but both teams tied with EXACTLY the same amount of participation points over these last 5 weeks, which is crazy! Plus, I can’t even begin to say how difficult it was to decide on Individual Spirit Awards; there were so many of you worthy of the recognition I honestly regret even including it in the scoring process, because I just didn’t feel right giving a subjective award to anyone and simultaneously excluding so many others from the deserved recognition. You all were just simply awesome throughout this whole thing and made the work going into this worth it 100 times over.

I’m looking forward to offering more things to the community as 2019 unfolds and already have a few things on the horizon I’m excited for. If you’re wanting something else to look forward to, I would highly suggest considering The 2019 Classic – I’m very excited about the theme and workouts this year and will be releasing more information about that very soon. Registration IS currently open and slots are limited, so reserve your team’s spot before April 12th for the early bird discount!

That’s all for now – sorry for the late-ish post, but I was looking forward to announcing the results to everyone here during the after-party and hung out until everyone left to post this. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have ANY feedback or suggestions for things moving forward – I’m always striving to make improvements and appreciate the opportunities to get better.

Thank you all for a fantastic 2019 CF Opens season!!!

Not a member? Sign up for an Intro Class today!  The next Intro class takes place on April 6th at 10:00, and Foundations starts the next week (April 9th).
RSVP to the free Intro Class here!