Year-End Announcements


There’s a lot going on in this one, so I’ll keep it as organized as I can!


In our 7+ years here, I’m always trying to find the best ways to stay connected with you all. In an effort to utilize yet another medium of communication that may be preferable to some, I’ll be sending out e-mails direct to your account information we have on file here when updates, blogs, and upcoming events are posted. In addition to this, we will still be utilizing the whiteboard at CFD, the website, as well as Facebook, Instagram, and WODhopper to push information to you all. No matter how hard we try, information still seems to get lost in the mix, so please let us know how we can best stay connected with you all!

CFD Anniversary Party

Don’t forget, our 7 year party is only about a month away! On Friday, January 18th we will be celebrating our time together at the Best Western. Don’t forget to purchase your tickets and see all additional details and updates here: CFD Anniversary Party on FB

Upcoming schedule

Due to the holidays as well as the aforementioned holiday party, the following schedule changes will occur:

-Monday, December 24th (Christmas Eve): 6:30 and 9:30 classes ONLY
-Tuesday, December 25th (Christmas Day): NO CLASSES
-December 31st (New Year’s Eve): 6:30, 9:30, and 1pm classes ONLY
-January 1st (New Year’s Day): NO CLASSES
-January 18th (CFD 7-Year Party): no 5:30pm class

Supplementary Programs

Be on the lookout for 2 new programs to launch right after the first of the year: Foundational Strength 2 (a 4x/week program) as well as Cardio Club 1 (a 3x/week program). Details for those will be posted on the website (click the hyperlinks above to check them out). If you’re interested in signing up for those programs, e-mail


Not a member? Sign up for an Intro Class today!  The next Intro class takes place on January 5th at 10:00, and Foundations starts the next week (January 8th).
RSVP to the free Intro Class here!