October Athlete Spotlight: Fidel and Nicky


How long have you been a member at CFD, and what made you want to get started?

Nicky: The first time I ever stepped into a CrossFit gym (box) was in August-September 2015, and I’ve loved it ever since.

Fidel: I was honestly dragged into it by my daughter. So, we started at the same time and here we are going strong into CrossFit.


What changes have you seen in yourself since your very first day?

Nicky: When I just started I could only think about how amazingly strong these people were, and it became my motivation and inspiration to one day lift as much as they did, run as fast as they did, or even do a pull up. Today, ha! I compete with myself to lift heavier, run faster and still work on getting as many pull ups as I can. I secretly compete against my dad but also find inspiration from him, I mean come on, the dude is a savage!

Fidel: I became stronger than I was before. I can do some of the workouts unbroken and actually finish most of them. Sometimes Rx and sometimes just not Rx.


What did you do for fitness prior to CFD, and what do you like most about CrossFit?

Nicky: Long story short, before moving to the US, four years ago, I wasn’t much of a “fitness” person. I loved practicing tennis but never made it more than a hobby. It wasn’t until I had knee surgery in 2014 (ACL replacement) that I finally became mentally and physically challenged. I didn’t actually have the motivation but instead, I had the NEED to start something and somewhere because I wasn’t happy with what I saw in the mirror nor how weak I felt after not being able to even walk correctly after surgery. I began to search and try several different gyms and activities, and on each and every single one I’ve enjoyed it and gained experience. I was always into weightlifting but only enjoyed it on tv and, that summer I remember watching the CrossFit games and became fascinated by it, so I searched the closest CrossFit gym to me. For some reason, Chicago was my nearest one. I was pretty upset about it but didn’t lose hope into one day moving there and finally trying this strange sport that CrossFit was. 
One day while driving to school I stopped at one of the lights, and in front of me, there it was, a car with a bumper sticker that said, “CrossFit Dubuque”. My first thought was: OH MY GOD! And next thing I know, I am signing up online for a session with Coach Phil. 
As soon as I stepped into that box, I told my dad, this is it. I knew it was going to be a second home to us. I like everything about CrossFit, the workouts, the location, the equipment but most importantly the people. The community makes it all. Love my 6:30 am crew!

Fidel: I did a lot of fitness activities but never at CrossFit level. It never crossed my mind to try CrossFit nor did I know the meaning behind it until I stepped through CrossFit Dubuque’s door. 
I highly enjoy the everyday “workout of the day” that we encounter. It’s all about the gains and how sweaty you are at the end. The people are the most important about CrossFit. The community itself and the coaches make it challenging yet fun to be there every day, at 6:30 am.


What type(s) of workouts are your favorite?

Nicky: Anything that includes heavy weight lifting, especially deadlifts. Love me some deadlifts.

Fidel: I like deadlifts and toes to bar. Yes, I like toes to bar.


What type(s) of workouts do you least like to see come up?

Nicky: At this point I don’t think I completely dislike any workout. I love the challenges that CrossFit offers. But, consistency in certain workouts are considered as my dislikes, for example, pull ups. Most of the time (always), I can’t finish all the pull ups, for there’s always a point where I’ll have to switch to ring rows. That sucks.

Fidel: Thrusters. I hate Thrusters.


What are your goals going forward?

Nicky: I want to get stronger and stronger every day. Challenge my weaknesses until they become my strengths and find another weakness to work on. Every day is a new challenge I want to complete successfully and…. maybe get a muscle up one of these days.? My dad is ahead of the game on that one so there’s that.

Fidel: My front squats are Frankenstein all the time because I can’t have the bar touch my shoulders. But, I am continuously working on that shoulder flexibility and let me tell you, it is hell. One day though, I will be doing front squats. Normal and correct front squats.


What advice do you have for someone just starting out at CFD?

Nicky: CrossFit may or may not be what you are looking for, but if you never try it out how are you going to know? So, my advice for someone just starting out at CFD is to keep going, the hardest part is already accomplished, stepping out of your comfort zone. Now, the real challenge is consistency on achieving your goals. You are only going to get stronger, physically and mentally. Not only will you learn how to defeat your weaknesses but you will also learn to be a part of a community that not only competes against each other but supports and celebrates our achievements together. If it doesn’t change your life it will definitely make an impact. CrossFit is not just a sport, it’s a lifestyle where your goals are always achieved if you commit yourself and most importantly it welcomes everyone to be part of a second home.
 Yes, I am very passionate about CrossFit. I love CrossFit and I absolutely love CrossFit Dubuque.

Fidel: Get your ass in and start working out. It’s fun!

 Side note: 
 We want to give a huge Shout out to everyone, coaches and athletes, in our CrossFit community because if it wasn’t for all of them, we wouldn’t be where we are now and have gained not just friends but family and a hell of a lot of muscle. Thank you CrossFit Dubuque for all the love and support and for opening your doors to us and finding ourselves a second home.

-Nicky & Fidel


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