


A.  3 back squat @ 35×0 tempo x 5 sets

*rest 2-3 min btw sets


B.  HS tech work

-wall walk


-kicking up

-HS pushups



C.  mobility as needed




The A component today will vary depending on individual skill level, but B–D will all be very similar for everyone.


Beginner (still developing absolute strength in UB pulling)


A1.  4-6 partner-assisted pullup or lat pull down @ 51A1 tempo

*rest 30-60 sec

A2.  Pendlay row x 10 reps

*rest 60 sec, x2


Intermediate (pre-req:  minimum of 5 strict pull-ups and gymnastics kip)


A.  8-10 min:  MU tech work




A.  MU EMOM x 5 min

-hit a tough set every minute, stay efficient and tight


B.  Build to a heavy PC in 8 min


C.  every 30 sec x 5 min:

-5 TnG PC @ 70-75% of B


D.  75 sec max distance row or AB

*rest 3-5 min, x2 sets




A.  2 front squats @ 34×1 x 5 sets

*rest 2 min btw sets


17 min on clock:

-40 HR burpees

-30 thrusters 75/55

-30 HR burpees

-30 thrusters 95/65

-20 HR burpees

-30 thrusters 135/95

-10 HR burpees

-AMRAP thrusters 175/115

3/6 and 3/7

3/6 and 3/7


A.  OHS work–12 min




0-3 min:

2 rounds of:

-10 OHS 95/65

-10 C2B


3-6 min:

2 rounds of:

-12 OHS 95/65

-12 C2B


6-9 min:

2 rounds of:

-14 OHS 95/65

-14 C2B


etc… using same pattern until failure to complete all reps in time allotted.


If you are doing the Open in the scaled division, your rep scheme will look like this:


0-3 min:

2 rounds of:

-6 OHS 95/65

-6 pullups (chin over bar)


3-6 min:

2 rounds of:

-8 OHS 95/65

-8 pullups


6-9 min:

-10 OHS 95/65

-10 pullups




Fitness athletes may scale further down to front squats and/or jumping pullups





A.  Build to a heavy 3-position PC in 12 min

*high hang, knee, floor


B1.  Deadlift 7-5-5-3 @ 20×1 tempo

*rest 15 sec


B2.  AMRAP UB T2B (-3)

*rest 3 min, 4 sets through this




A.  Push jerk, build to a heavy in 12 min


7 min AMRAP

-7 S2OH @ 135/95

-14 box jump 24/20


*rest 3 min


7 min AMRAP

-7 ring dip (14 pushup)

-28 double-under




A.  Clean pull under 3 x 5 sets

*work on speed under the bar and fast elbows!


3 rounds @ 80/90/100% effort

-25/20 cal row

-15 C2B/pullup

-15 thrusters 95/65

*rest 3 min btw rounds

2/27 and 2/28

2/27 and 2/28


A.  10 min–tech work, building to a heavy C&J


15 min on clock:

0-9 min, AMRAP of:

-15 T2B

-10 deadlift 115/75

-5 snatches 115/75

then, in remaining 6 min:

-find 1RM clean and jerk

*athlete must load own barbell


The first portion (AMRAP in 9 min) is scored as 15.1, and the second portion (C&J) is scored as a separate event, 15.1a